
Cân y Siarc

Iawn, 'te!

Beth am ychydig o waith cyfieithu perthnasol, i ddechrau pethau?

Rydyn ni i gyd yn gyfarwydd â Chân y Siarc gan Gwyneth Glyn (i'w chlywed ar MySpace fan hyn). Awn ni ati felly, i'w chyfieithu i'r Saesneg, fesul pennill?

Cawn drafod unrhyw gwestiynau gramadegol fydd yn codi.

Dyma'r geiriau - pwy sydd eisiau mentro cyfieithu'r pennill cynta'? Cyfieithwn yn ddigon llythrennol ('literally'), fel bod y gramadeg yn glir.

1. Dau forwr dewr a dau frawd direidus
oedd yr hen King ac Owen Griffiths;
yn caru’r cwrw yn fwy na’r cefnfor,
yn gweld angylion ym mhob angor.

2. Un pnawn o haf a’r rhwydi’n drymion,
a’r ddalfa’n goeth o benwaig gwynion,
Mi welsant ’sgodyn tra gwahanol
yn gawr o gryndod yn eu canol

3. “Be’ ddiawl wnawn ni â’r cr’adur yma?
Rown ni o’n ôl yng nhgôl y tonnau?
“Mi awn ag o i dref Porthmadog;
mae hwn werth mwy na phum can pennog!”

4. A dyma’i godi ar eu ’sgwyddau
a chodi pabell o hen hwyliau
a bod mor hy â chodi ceiniog
am gip go sydyn o’r ’sgodyn enwog.

5. A dyna hwyl a dyna sbort
o weld y siarc yn y parc yn Port,
a phawb yn heidio o bob lle
i gael eu dychryn yn y dref.

6. “Wel dyma’r ddalfa ffeindia’ ’stalwm!
Awn am Y Fleece i wario’n ffortiwn!”
“Mi yfwn gwrw am y gorau,
a mi wnawn ni fwy o bres yn bora!”

7. Ar doriad gwawr daeth bloedd y Plismon
“Claddwch y cena ar eich union!
Erioed ni brofais y ffasiwn ddrewdod
mae Port i gyd yn drewi o bysgod!”

8. A’u pennau’n drwm ’rôl noson hegar,
mi gladdon y siarc yn ddyfn yn y ddaear;
a darfu’r hwyl a darfu’r arian
parhau wna’r hanes rhwng muriau’r dafarn.


  1. Bydda i'n "dewr." Beth am hyn:

    Two brave seafarers and two mischievous brothers/were the old King and Owen Griffiths/loving beer more than the ocean/seeing angels at every anchor(age).

  2. One afternoon of summer and the nets sagging
    with the custody fine of herring white,
    They SAW a fish so different:
    a giant of a tremor in their midst (middle).

  3. Yr ail bennill:

    One summer afternoon, the nets heavy/with the catch of fine white herring,/they saw a giant shuddering in the midst of the various fish.

    (mae'r llinell divsion yn anodd yn y llinellau diwetha . . .)

  4. But what to do with such a creature?
    Throw him back beneath the water?
    If to Porth him with us bearing,
    We'll get more than his weight in herring.

  5. Jaque (Pennill 1):

    Jaque a Shirley (Pennill 2):
    Ie - da iawn.
    trymion = 'heavy' (plural adj.)
    a'r ddalfa'n goeth = 'and/with the catch (being) rich'
    o benwaig gwynion = 'with/of white herring'
    mi welsant sgodyn tra gwahanol = 'they saw a very different fish'
    yn gawr o gryndod yn eu canol = '[it being] a trembling giant among them [i.e. the white herring]'

    Mae'r llinellau hyn yn anodd, efallai, oherwydd y defnydd o'r "yn" ('predicative').

    Predication in Welsh is a point worth thinking about - this verse gives a good place to start thinking!

  6. AmrywoDdyddiauHeulog:
    Mae 'na le i feddwl eto am ambell i beth:

    y cr'adur yna
    yng nghôl y tonnau
    awn ag o
    mae hwn werth mwy na phum can pennog

  7. Pennill 3:
    "What the hell do we do with this creature?/Give it back to the bosom of the waves?"/"Take it to the town Porthmadog;/This is worth more than 500 herring!"

  8. Ynglyn â phennill 3, ti'n iawn, mae fersiwn Jaque yn llawer mwy cywir, ond, sut i'w gwneud hi'n odli efo mesurydd y llinelli? Ac eto, bod yn wir at yr arwyddocad?

  9. Pennill 4:
    So they raised it on their shoulders/and raised a tent from old sails/and were so bold as to raise a penny/for a rather quick glance of the famous fish.

  10. Pennill 5:
    And so there was fun and there was sport/to see the shark in the park in Port/and everyone swarmed from every place/to be frightened in the town.

    (Dw i'n ysgrifennu yn y gorffennol achos roedd y pennill 1 yn gorffennol. Ydy'n iawn?)

  11. And there was fun and there was sport / from seeing a shark in the park in Port(Portmadog), and everyone swarmed from everywhere (every place) / to be frightened (have their frightening) in the town.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Amryw... 12:38
    Rydych chi'n iawn - mae dewis rhwng odl ac ystyr yn beth anodd i'w wneud weithiau. Eto, rwy'n credu - gan taw ymarfer iaith a gramadeg yw hyn i fod yn y bôn - taw anelu at fersiwn *llythrennol* ddylen ni'i wneud (h.y. mor agos â phosibl at ystyr y gwreiddiol). Gallwn wedyn ystyried creu fersiwn sy'n odli, efallai!

    Eto i gyd - dydy pennill 3 ddim yn berffaith eto:

    Jaque (pennill 3)
    Gawn ni feddwl eto am y rhain? -

    Be ddiawl wnawn ni...
    Rown ni o 'nôl...?
    Mi awn ag o...

    Jaque (pennill 4)
    digon teg - eto, cym' olwg ar y nodiadau am dyna isod:

    Jaque ac amysif (pennill 5)
    Un cwestiwn yw beth i'w wneud gyda'r "a dyna".

    a)Wrth gwrs, 'there is/was' yw ystyr 'dyna' fel arfer, ond

    b)mae dyna a dyna hefyd yn gweithio fel math o 'narrative conjunctions' - mae'n bosibl wedyn eu cyfieithu fel 'and then...'. Eto i gyd,

    c) mae "a dyna X" yn cyfleu rhywbeth fel "and what X!" - felly "and what fun (it was), and what sport..."

    Mae'r gweddill yn iawn gyda chi. Da iawn!

  14. Dw i'n sownd yn bennill 6, ond dyma y gweddill:

    pennill 7:
    At the break of dawn came the shout of a policeman/"Bury your [corpse?] straight (away)/Never have we experienced this manner of stink/All Port stinks of fish."

    pennill 8:
    With their heads heavy after an amiable night/they buried the shark deep in the earth/and scaring the fun and scaring the money/continued to make history between the walls of the tavern.

    Yn bennill 6, feindias i ddim "'stalwm" unman--ac hevyd "cena" yn bennill 7.

  15. Jaque:

    Cyn mynd ymlaen i bennill 6, 7 ac 8, rhaid gorffen pennill 3! :)

  16. o, ie - a chofiwch fod geirfa gyda'r geiriau a bostiais yn y GoogleGroup!

  17. 6. “Wel dyma’r ddalfa ffeindia’ ’stalwm!
    Well there’s a catch I (won’t?) find for a long time,
    Awn am Y Fleece i wario’n ffortiwn!”
    Let’s go for the fleece and spend our fortune,
    “Mi yfwn gwrw am y gorau,
    We’ll drink beer for the morning,
    a mi wnawn ni fwy o bres yn bora!”
    And we’ll make more money in the morning.

  18. Wps, welais I mo’r sylwad am bennill 3:
    3. “Be’ ddiawl wnawn ni â’r cr’adur yma?
    What the devil will we do with this creature,
    Rown ni o’n ôl yng nhgôl y tonnau?
    Will we give him back to the bosom of the waves?
    “Mi awn ag o i dref Porthmadog;
    We’ll take him to Porthmadog Town,
    mae hwn werth mwy na phum can pennog!”
    This one’s worth more than 500 herring.

  19. “Wel dyma’r ddalfa ffeindia’ ’stalwm!
    Awn am Y Fleece i wario’n ffortiwn!”
    “Mi yfwn gwrw am y gorau,
    a mi wnawn ni fwy o bres yn bora!”

    Dim geiriadur:

    Well, here's the ---- ---- ----- ------
    We'll go for The Fleece to spend a fortune
    I drank beer for the best
    and to me we'll say be on the morning breeze

    Gyda geiriadur:

    Well, here's the leaves found -----
    We'll go for The Fleece to spend a fortune
    I drank the best beer
    and to me we'll say we'll be on the morning breeze

    Dw i ddim yn credu naill ai'n manwl! LOL!


  20. 7. Ar doriad gwawr daeth bloedd y Plismon
    At break of dawn came the policeman’s shout,
    “Claddwch y cena ar eich union!
    Bury the rascal with care, (accurately)
    Erioed ni brofais y ffasiwn ddrewdod
    I never experienced such a stink,
    mae Port i gyd yn drewi o bysgod!”
    All of Porth smells of fish.

  21. Cofiwch fod geirfa gyda'r geiriau ar y GoogleGroup. Yn anffodus dydw i ddim yn gweld sut i ychwanegu ffeiliau Word at y Blog yma...

  22. 8. A’u pennau’n drwm ’rôl noson hegar,
    And their heads being heavy after a – night, (allwyn I ddim ffeindio hegar)
    mi gladdon y siarc yn ddyfn yn y ddaear;
    They buried the shark deep in the earth,
    a darfu’r hwyl a darfu’r arian
    And the fun ceased and the money ceased,
    parhau wna’r hanes rhwng muriau’r dafarn.
    The story will continue between the tavern walls.

  23. Sdim geirfa, mod i'n gallu eu gweld, yn yr atodiad a bostiaioch chi ar y Google Group. Lle mae hi?
    Da iawn, Anonymous!!!

  24. Geirfa yn y GoogleGroup. Mae'r ffeil yn yr edefyn yma:

    Edefyn yn y GoogleGroup

    Bydd rhaid ichi chwilio am y ffeil wedyn.

  25. 6. "Well, here's the choicest catch in a coon's age.
    I'm going to The Fleece to spend a fortune!"
    "I will drink beer to the best
    and I'll have no more money in the mornin'"

  26. Amryw... (4:12)

    Diolch am fynd yn ôl i bennill 3!

    Da iawn - mae'r cyfan yn dda, ond un peth bach:

    rhoi (o) yn ôl yma 'put (it) back'

    Mona (4:15)
    a hefyd Shirley 4:42
    Rhai geiriau ichi:

    y ddalfa = the catch
    ffeind = fine
    ers talwm = for a long time
    awn = nid af "I will go"
    yfwn = eto, nid yfaf sydd yma! :)
    am y gorau = sth like 'as well as possible' / 'as best we can'
    gwnawn = jyst fel awn ac yfwn, i.e. amser dyfodol 'gwneud' = 'We will make'.
    pres = 'brass' (money)

    Amryw... (Pennod 7)

    Da iawn. Un peth:

    ar eich union = 'at once'

    Amryw... (Pennod 8)
    hegar = mawr iawn.

  27. Dw i esiau Meic Stevens!!!


  28. Wps...

    pam ydw i'n sgwennu "pennod" yn lle "pennill" erbyn hyn?!?!?

  29. Mae hyn yn y mwya hwyl fy mod i wedi cael am amser hir . . . . wel, ers Cwrs Cymraeg! :-)

  30. "This is the best fun..."

    remember you're not allowed to use a definite predicate (proper noun; noun with article; noun in genitive relation) with the predicate particle "yn". Here, you're trying to predicate "yr hwyl orau..." which has the definite article and so is definitely definite!


    Hwn yw'r hwyl orau imi gael...

    or, better, for this case of "this is":

    Dyma'r hwyl orau imi gael...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Da iawn, bawb! Dyna'r cyfieithiad wedi'i orffen:

    1. Two brave sailors and two mischievous brothers
    Were the old King and Owen Griffiths
    Loving beer more than the ocean
    Seeing angels at every anchor(age).

    2. One summer afternoon, and the nets heavy
    With the catch of fine white herring,
    They saw a very different fish,
    A shuddering giant shuddering in their midst.

    3. “What the devil will we do with this creature,
    Will we put it back in the bosom of the waves?"
    "We’ll take it to Porthmadog town,
    This is worth more than 500 herring."

    4. So they lifted it on their shoulders
    And built a tent from old sails
    And were so bold as to raise a penny
    For a rather quick glance of the famous fish.

    5. And what fun and what sport
    To see the shark in the park in Porthmadog,
    And everyone swarming from everywhere
    To be frightened in the town.

    6. "Well here's the choicest catch in a coon's age,
    Let’s go to the Fleece and spend our fortune,
    We’ll drink beer as best we can,
    And we’ll make more money in the morning."

    7. At break of dawn came the policeman’s shout,
    “Bury the animal at once;
    I never experienced such a stink,
    All of Porthmadog smells of fish."

    8. And their heads heavy after a huge night,
    They buried the shark deep in the earth;
    And the fun ceased and the money ceased,
    The story will continue between the tavern walls.

    Gwaith da!

    Meic Stevens nesa', te.

    Unrhyw gwestiynau?

  33. Ie, beth am weithio ar yr odl rwan, ... yn araf deg?


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